Logo Azienda Agricola Vivai Truant


Our premises are located on the plains between the Meduna and Tagliamento rivers at the foot of the Carnic Prealps. Natural and historical reasons have led to a concentration of the Italian and European vine nurseries in this area and to the superiority of their production.

VIVAI TRUANT di Truant Tarcisio e Sergio s.agr.s.
Via Mazzini, 40
33095 - Provesano (PN)

Phone: +39 0427 96 710


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VIVAI TRUANT di Truant Tarcisio e Sergio s.agr.s., Via Mazzini, 40 - 33095 Provesano (PN)

Tel. +39 0427.96710 Fax +39 0427.96775 - P.IVA 01530320934 - Privacy
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